"Le Shakirail" buildings are owned by the French railways and were
originally used as locker rooms and offices. Recently given a contract to
occupy the space, the Curry Vavart Artist Collective actively exploits the
premises through concerts, film projections, artist's workshops and
exhibitions. It is a true privilage to be a part of this artistic
community, a place of collabortation and creation. For more:
Photo by Anthony Lycett, http://www.anthonylycett.com

"A l'Ouest," was the nickname for Adam Otten's apartment in the 7th
district in Paris. While training to be a pilot in the American Air Force,
Adam was granted a scolarship to receive his master's in Paris at the
Sorbonne. A philathropist of abundant generosity, he lent me a studio at "A
l'Ouest" for over a year. Thanks to Adam's sponsorship of my work, I was
able to complete the series "La Promesse d'un Visage" and finish the first
draft of my memoire. Thank you Adam!

Les Ateliers du 73 is a magical place located in the 15th district in
Paris. Composed of wood buildings and a cobblestone courtyard tucked behind
Parisian apartments, Les Ateliers du 73 were foremerly horse and buggy
stables. In the 1980's, the buildings were rennovated by artists and are
used as workshops to this day, including artists such as Joseph Erhardy,
Sonia Van den Abeele, and Eric Baronsky. The time I spent there was one of
the most fertile in my artwork.