A new Electric Box for the neighborhood

30th of June 2015, 7:50 pm
Amidst the roaring politics, destruction in war and distress of immigrating communities, I feel as an artist that my real vocation is to give visual reaction to the public. Last year, I did this piece to celebrate the patriotic identities in the neighborhood of the Pyrénées in the 20th district of Paris. The flags represented were painted based on the official census of the origins in the district and are woven together as a portrayal of their metissage. (Click on the image for a video)

The majority of the neighbors, regardless of their origin, are French by nationality. And yet, the visual manifestation of their country's flag often brings pride to their eyes and a smile to their face. It is my intention that this public project would be a reminder of global identity to the community.

This weekend, I will be doing a new electric box in another neighborhood and look forward to the interaction with the habitants as well as the politicians with the sensitivity to reflect upon it. More to come soon....


Click here for the video.

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